Acorn's Next Production...

Acorn's End of an Era..

Sadly we at Acorn say goodbye to our Manning Ave, Gosnells venue which has been our home since 1987.

On behalf of the committee and members of Acorn Theatre we say thank you for supporting us.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Special Thanks

Thank you so much to Award Winning
"The Manse Restaurant" in Armadale. They have generously given us some vouchers for raffle prizes for our next show "A Finger in the Dyke".
Do you know of a restaurant that would love to help us out with some raffle prizes. If so let us know, leave your comment under this post or contact us at Acorn - 9398 7322.
Dont forget to get your tickets for the show - see our "what's on next section" for more details.

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